Where do Shredded Clothes Go?


Pro tip: do not shred your corporate clothing at home with your own shredding machine. It will end up being a mangled mess!

Merlin Shredding handles large volumes of fabric, textiles, and clothing waste. These heavy-duty industrial shredders allow Alberta companies to handle their waste and recycling.

So, how does the textile shredding process start?

  1. The material is sorted by type of material and colour. Logos and tags with company names are individually sorted and cut out if necessary.

  2. Any textiles that don’t get shredded upon the first cutting process enter another round of shredding.

  3. Textiles are then pulled into fibres or shredded.

  4. These fibres are then cleaned and re-aligned in a ‘carding process’ before being re-spun into yarn, according to The Good Trade.

Textiles can then be repurposed to prevent waste. Some textiles become rags or cloths, which can then be resold. Some cotton can even be repurposed to become stuffing for items like cushions and insulation.

Further to this, recycling corporate clothing ensures your brand and logo doesn’t get into the wrong hands. When we throw these items into the trash or send for donation, we risk having others wear the clothing and using it in a way to impersonate or misrepresent our businesses.

Recycled clothing is an industry to keep an eye out for as the technologies for it begins to grow. Instead of throwing your old work uniforms in the trash, consider textile shredding today with Merlin Shredding. It prevents security risks, such as impersonation, and is overall a more environmentally-friendly choice.


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