4 Things You Didn’t Think Of Shredding


We understand the importance of shredding documents with sensitive information like taxes, bank statements, and items with you Social Security number. However, there’s a number of documents that could be putting you at risk for identity theft if they aren’t also being shredded. We’ve shared them below.

1. Shipping Labels

With vast amounts of shopping being done online, we receive many packages that include order confirmations, shipping labels, and receipts. The majority of these include sensitive information. Next time, before recycling your boxes, take off and shred all labels.


Online Shopping Security

Shred any personal information before recycling your boxes from online shopping.

2. Junk Mail

Often, we don’t even open our junk mail and throw them away with our flyers instead. The documents inside can frequently include your personal information and can easily be used to open a line of credit on your behalf. Keep yourself safe by shredding these documents and not simply throwing them away with flyers.

3. Boarding Passes & Travel Documents

These documents should always be shredded upon destination arrival. Why? Identify thieves can use the QR codes on boarding passes to access your very personal information, and itineraries can be utilized to get into your accounts. If you’re not in an area you can shred, do not discard until you can shred.

4. Utility bills

We know bank account statements are important to shred, but utility and other bills are equally as important. The information on hand can easily be used to access your account and change information or open new accounts under the same name.

At Merlin Shredding, we place high importance on providing affordable shredding solutions to keep your privacy and security safe. Get a quote to start shredding all your sensitive documents today.


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